Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Miss Megan!!!!

You are the winner of the free piece of Hodgepodge! Thanks for the comments ladies, and I will be taking them under advisement. This will be a short post today, I have so much to do!

A funny, but no so funny story...the other night, Chris and I went out to dinner for our anniversary which was a few weeks ago. We got to my favorite Italian restaurant. Dinner is great as always, and I am eating creme brulee, and I am thinking the sugar on top is awfully crunchy. I take the crunchy part out of my mouth. Chris looks down and says, "that is a piece of your tooth." And sure enough, it was. I don't know what it is with me and August and my teeth, but it's never good. I cracked the whole back of my tooth off. Thankfully, I already had a root canal on it, so off I go Thursday to get it crowned. At least it doesn't hurt.

I will be hunting around on Facebook for photos of little ones wearing GenMarie. You never know what I might do. :)

Have a great day ladies!


  1. Hey Christine! Just wanted to drop by and say hello :) I'm lovin' the toothless picture!

  2. Oh wow Christine, thank you so much! Hope that tooth got fixed!


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